26 julio, 2024

Former official of Cristina Fernández government arrested while he was hiding U$S 8 million

Jose Lopez, former Public Works Secretary of former Argentina president Cristina Fernandez, was arrested this morning when he tried to hide bags with at least 8 million dollars in a monastery located in General Rodriguez town, Buenos Aires province.

Former Argentina president Cristina Kirchner along former Planification Minister Julio De Vido and former secretary of Public Works Jose Lopez

It all began when a neighbor of the Our Lady of Fatima Nuns Prayers and Penitentes Monastery saw a car stopped and, from there, a man began throwing bags into the premises.

After his call to 911, two patrol of the police station in General Rodriguez arrived and apprehended Jose Lopez, who had reached the site aboard a Chevrolet vehicle plate FEI 444, and from where he pulled bags with money, which began shed inward the premises of the monastery.

Police sources said that four bags with wads of cash, mostly were dollars and euros were seizure by an amount that after noon was estimated at «more than 8 million US dollars» because there were «160 wads of $ 50,000 each.»